Making time to make and share video

 Just released

I shared the two videos below to share a little of my enthusiasm for creating. I'm happy to give a glimpse of my journey with Adobe Spark and Windows Video Editor. These two tools, combined with Loom and YouTube, can help you create simple, but engaging content for your students. 

One of the limitations to teachers sharing and creating video is the time it takes. I'm not going to say that it is that simple, but once you get the hang of it, you can easily create videos to help tell your story and engage your student in a narrative classroom.

Speaking of students, these two tools, especially Adobe Spark, would be great in the hands of our students. With a little guidance they can share their story and help build our community of learning. Videos can be shared via Google Drive, FlipGrid, and Google Classroom.

J. Mark Schwanz Digital Coach, Washington and Mark Twain Elementary Schools, 


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